Muhammad Wolfgang G a Schmidt
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A Greek-English Reference Manual To The Vocabulary Of The Greek New Testament. Based on Tischendorf's Greek New Testament Text and on Strong's Greek Lexicon With Some Additions and Amendments
"And on this Rock I Will Build My Church. A new Edition of Schaff's "History of the Reformation 1517-1648
Chinese Characters and Vocabulary. For the Test of Chinese As A Foreign Language (TOCFL) in the Republic of China (Taiwan)
"And on this Rock I Will Build My Church. A new Edition of Philip Schaff's "History of the Christian Church: From Nicene and Post-Nicene Christianity to Medieval Christianity A.D. 311-1073
A Dictionary of the 3,500 Most Frequently Used Chinese Characters: Their Romanized Transcription in Hanyu Pinyi, . with English Meaning Definition, ... Order. A Reference Manual (German Edition)
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